
Friday, 18 March 2011

Why Do We Talk To Our Dogs Part: 2

In my last post I feel I didn't give dogs enough credit, I mean they do at least understand SOME English. My dog understands chicken, walk and anything that has to do with her eating or going outside. Well walk is actually WALKIES! in a high pitched voice while gesticulating wildly with my arms and my eyes opening wider then a blonde using an ATM for the first time (I mean like where the money come from!?). Whereas chicken is more of an excited loud whisper sped up for emphasis. So basically dogs understand anything if you say it excitingly. Try it yourself, go over to a dog and say, "Oh my god a fire!" in an excited voice and her ears/tail will hoot up in the air, and she will look out the window, because as far as she is concerned the window is the worlds source for all joy, happiness and excitement.

I suppose that is where cat's and dogs differ. You say to a dog "Oh my god there is A DOUBLE rainbow outside!!" It in turn reply in an equally excited voice say "Oh My GODD! where!?" She will then thank you for this vital information and actively search for that rainbow. Whereas say this to Mr. Mittens over there and it'll say "So? you think I care? I don't think you realise that I am a cat. If I had thumbs I would be able to do some chemistry! So you can take your rainbow and shove it" Your cat will then will walk away muttering to itself wondering how it got stuck with Dave and Rover. Mean while the dog is still looking for that double rainbow.

Despite her over 'excitedness' I still love my dog she's great, I mean she often sneaks up the stairs during the night and throws up in my bed. And if a bird is in my back garden she will howl and wail until I let her out, then when I finally give in and I let her out the bird fly's away and in the space of two minutes she has managed to get muddier then a child with a new pair of white shoes. But other then that she is a valued member of my family!

My dog will do anything when I think about, she can roll over, play dead, sit, stay and give the paw. Well she will do anything for food anyway! Asking my dog for the paw without a small nugget of food is like asking a cow to do algebra. It just isn't going to happen. She looks at me like I have 2 heads. If she could talk she would say "Eh you think im lifting my paw for you? Stupid human give me some food and then we'll talk. In fact I can't even look at you." Or something along those lines.

Don't worry dog you will wish you had given me the paw when I dress you up in my homemade Jar Jar Binx costume for my entertainment!

Anyway, time to wrap this up. Thanks again for reading this. Don't be afraid to comment thanks!


  1. Hahaha! The best part of this post is the cat saying they they'd be doing chemistry lol. So true, cats do have an attitude like that!

  2. I liked this one. Dogs are funny and their owners are to especially when they write about them :)

  3. Thank you both very much for your kind comments! :)

  4. Lol, that's a great post! I don't have a dog but I can see where dogs and cats differ like this! I'm a new follower.

  5. Great post! My dog is an endless source of amusement to me, although he is a bit of a Nazi 'cos he hates people in wheelchairs and/or Nigerians. It can be awkward. I was linked here from 'Blogger' where you were asking for humour/gaming blogs, if you're interested I write a blog based on gaming but padded out with collections of random stories that two people have said are funny. Come visit!
